Tuesday, July 16, 2019

God blesses in an unexpected way!

We had early shows in Rochester on Tuesday.  Monday we had an afternoon show half way to Rochester.  Dave and I looked at each other and said "Let's go adventuring!" at the same time!  Off we went heading towards our favorite hotel in Rochester area!  I only have one hotel listed in my cell phone....it is listed as "Comfort Inn Farmington we like" on my phone.  We had stayed the week before using our coupon...so I never thought that it would be a problem this week.  Ten min before we got there Dave asked if I made a reservation....I said nope!  As I walked into the lobby there was a tiny beautiful older African American lady at the desk talking with her hands to the clerk.  I was I immediately drawn to her and thought she might need my help,  I had my coupon book in my hand and once the clerk left in search of the manager I looked at her and asked if everything was ok and if she needed a coupon for a lower price for her room.  She looked me in the eye and said "Are you a believer?"  I said "yes I am. My husband and I are children's evangelist.... We go around teaching children  how to love God "  She reached out and grabbed my hand and says..."Let's see how Good is going to handle this... And see what God is going to do! "  Now I grew up in a Christian family and I've prayed many times in public..... But to stand in the middle of the hotel lobby holding hands with this beautiful lady was something I have never done.  When the manager came over she saw me with my coupon book and said "I am sorry.... We are totally sold out for tonight."  My new friend looks at her and says...."Well, I am giving her my room and I am also paying for it!"  My mouth dropped open and I started to protest... She looks at me and says..."Now don't you say anything.... God told me to do this! I am not a rich women but when He tell me to do something I listen!" She paid for our room!  As she finished I gave her a big hug, introduced her to Dave, and thanked her!  She was such a blessing to us!  She was like a gift from God all wrapped up just for us.  What did it teach us?  That God cares about every part of our life.  He knew we needed this time of relaxing and gave it to us wrapped up in my beautiful new friend!  Will I ever see her again? Probably not.... But she was willing to let God user her to bless us in a special way... All because her heart was open to listening to her Fathers voice. I pray my heart is listening next time God tells me  He wants to do something as hers was...so we can bless as we were blessed.