Tuesday, June 25, 2013

No Cancer!

I had to let all of you know what is going on with me since I wrote that post!They have done the biopsy and it is benign! (YEAH..NO CANCER!)  I feel like  a weight has been lifted off me. They did the biopsy Mon. Let me tell you "Don't listen to the doctor when they tell you the biopsy wont hurt..it is a lie!" Other then that it went well. They did the biopsy on Wed. We had to wait till Monday to find out results that was the longest four days of my life. Here is what I wrote to my family about it! Thank you for all your prayers, your love and your encouragement.. It has meant the world to me!

Hi it has been an exhausting day...Did two shows and then went to the doctor said it was not cancerous and it is not a cyst. It is a large mass about the size of a silver dollar. After explaining it all to me I asked him how it could have happened. I told him how about a month ago I had a huge bruise that I did not remember getting. I asked if it could have been from that. He said it would not be as large as this from that. He asked if I had been in an accident. I told him over a year ago. When I explained what had happened in the accident he seemed to think it was from that. He believes it was traumatized and has scar tissue he asked if I was the driver or the passenger and when I told him I was the passenger he said well that is right where the seat belt would fall. I said why after all this time would it just show up...He then asked me questions. I realized that it was a month ago that my head started to clear from the concussion. He said the concussion was blocking me from feeling the pain of it. (and all the pain meds I was on) It all makes sense I guess. When I asked him where we go from here this is our plan of action.
1. Try to cut down on estrovan as that can lead to breast cancer especially when I already have a lump
2. Take motrim and wean off from Naproxin as that is a blood thinner
3. Take Vitamin E and rosemary to promote healing
4. He wants to monitor the size of the lump every two months for the next two years.
5. If it continues to cause pain he recommends he take it out.
6. If I have any questions, concerns or anything changes I am to call him immediately.
He was very good with us. He spent over 45 min just talking to us...then did an ultra sound to check it. He broke up some of the mass when he did the biopsy...so it did look different then Wed.before biopsy. It has not decreased in size though
It was a very long day. I did not sleep last night at all finally fell asleep at 5 am. I got up at 8 left for show by 9:15. The shows were from 10-11 and 11-12 Doctors appointment was at 1 that lasted till almost 3...we grabbed some lunch and came home. We were home by 5.
Sorry you could not reach me on the cell phone...we owe $150 and it got shut off. Should hopefully have it on in a week or so.
The kids stayed around for about 5 min when I got home and then said they had to go...which is fine...because I am now ready to crash. Part of me wants to go out with Dave and the other part wants to just stay home and crash I think I would rather wait till I can enjoy it more. He wants to do anything to make me smile. He has been amazing through all this and we are both sooo glad it is over.
Well, we have some answers now...and we will see what happens next. Right now I just want to sit down and take it all in and relax...
Thank you all for your prayers, your love and your encouragement. I don't think I could have made it through without knowing all of you were there praying for me.
Love you,

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