Tuesday, January 18, 2011

I have reached one of my Goals at the gym!!! Yeah!!!



Since coming to the gym I have been trying to get skinny enough to put the leg machine on the last hole....yesterday I was able to do it.  I was not even thinking about it and when I happened I almost screamed! I was so glad that Becca had her camera with her so that I could share it with you!  It was the highlight of my day! I was sooo happy!  It is working. Even when I was sooo sick I was still able to loose weight and make a change in my body!  Now that is exciting!







  1. So I'm watching this video of this lady who looks amazinggggg!!! AND I am so proud!!! You look like a different person....you were always beautiful then but look at you now!!! whooohooo!!!

  2. Looking good sister!! Looking good! Love you.
