She Borrowed My Clothes And They Fit!
As a teen with a sister the same size as you it was fun to swap clothes back and forth. When you grew up in a big family you just always shared clothes. You did it with your family and did it with your friends. It was just fun to do. Well, it has been a long time since I have been able to swap clothes with anyone. My clothes were to big for anyone to want to wear.
A few mornings ago my daughter Becca came in my room and asked to borrow my sweater....MY SWEATER! I said sure honey! She walked out of the room happy. As she came down for breakfast, I looked at my beautiful daughter in my sweater! I was filled with pride and joy. Yes, it looked much better on her then it does on me, and yes, it was baggier on her, but that was the look she wanted! BUT, she could fit into my clothes! I was so happy I wanted to cry! I wanted to jump up and down and hoop and holler and do a happy dance! I had made it! I succeeded where I thought I never could. I worked hard and accomplished what I set out to do. I was filled with joy and thankfulness. I had done it.